The college has a well equipped library located on the 2nd floor. The library contains books and periodicals pertaining to the courses of studies and also of general interest. Besides the Reference Section, Special facilities are available for the home issue of library books.
General Rules
Every student entering the Library premises should have a valid College Identity Card. It should be produced as and when demanded by any of the Library staff.
Identity Card and Reader’s Ticket are non transferable.
Students must handle the books or periodicals etc. with great care. Any attempt to damage books or periodicals by defacing or tearing the pages will be treated as misconduct and strictly dealt with.
If the original I-Card or Reader’s ticket is lost, a duplicate will be issued.
Study Room Rules
A complete silence and strict discipline be maintained in the Library & Study Room.
Text books, reference books & Journals will be issued to students against I-Cards. Students are not allowed to take them outside the Study Room.
If any reference is required, students should approach the Librarian/Assistant Librarian.
Home Issue
Every student is expected to read and strictly follow the instructions given of the reverse side of the Reader’s Ticket.
In case of late return of books, students will have to pay a fine @ ` 2/- per day for the first week and ` 4/-per day afterwards. In case of serious default, the amount of fine may be increased upto ` 10/-per day.
While charging the fine, holidays will be counted.
Only textbooks will be issued for Home-Reading.
Re-issue of the books will depend upon the demand for the same.
Any disregard of these rules will be reported to the Principal for appropriate action.
Book Bank: College has a Book Bank Scheme for needy students. Interested students may contact the Librarian for membership of Book Bank Scheme.
E-mail/Internet: We provide to our students and faculty an access to International Libraries and their information databases through internet facility. For details, contact the Librarian.
Scholar’s Card : To promote excellence, Scholar’s Cards are issued to the top 10 students from each class. These cards facilitate the students the students to borrow an additional book for home reading (2 books instead of 1)
Identity Card / Readers Ticket: Two stamp size photographs should be submitted by each student with full details like address with pin code, phone number, date of birth, etc.
Each and every student should see the Library Notice Board everyday.